The Triassic Period: Through the Ages

The Triassic Period followed the Permian Period and was succeeded by the Jurassic Period. The Triassic Period is subdivided into the Lower (or Early) Triassic, the Middle Triassic, and the Upper (or Late) Triassic. The Lower Triassic is further subdivided into two stages: the Induan and the Olenekian. The Middle Triassic is subdivided into two stages: the Anisian and Lanidian. The Upper Triassic is subdivided into three stages: the Carnian, the Lorian, and the Rhaetian. This article will look at the evolution of large life-forms in the Triassic Period, paying particular attention to terrestrial and aquatic lifeforms. This article will not examine the evolution of smaller life-forms (such as the radiation of the ammonites, diversification of smaller oceangoing creatures, or the evolutionary paths of ancient insects); nor will it examine the evolution of plant life. These matters are addressed in quick summary in the article, THE TRIASSIC PERIOD.

Check out our sister page, DINOSAURS OF THE TRIASSIC, to find out more about the dinosaurs that lived during the first period of the Mesozoic.

Check out PTEROSAURS OF THE TRIASSIC to learn about the earliest pterosaurs. 

Click on the links below to take a journey through the Triassic!

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