Friday, October 15, 2021


Type Species
: Stokesosaurus clevelandi
Classification: Dinosauria – Saurischia – Theropoda – Tetanurae – Coelurosauria – Tyrannosauroidea – Pantyrannosauria - Stokesosauridae
Time Period: Late Jurassic 
Location: North America 
Diet: Carnivore

Stokesosaurus was a medium-sized theropod from the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation of North America. By the Cretaceous Period, tyrannosaurs would be becoming larger-than-life despite austere beginnings in the Jurassic. Stokesosaurus represents the gradual increase of size among the tyrannosaur lineage; while the earliest tyrannosaurs emerged in the Middle Jurassic small and lithe, as the Jurassic progressed they were growing larger. Stokesosaurus graduated from a small-sized predator to a medium-sized one, clocking in at ten to thirteen feet in length. A fleet-footed predator, this tyrannosaur likely hunted Morrison ornithopods such as Camptosaurus and Dryosaurus, perhaps even wrangling with an occasional stegosaur. The larger predators of its environment, such as Allosaurus and Torvosaurus, likely preyed on the much-larger sauropods. 

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